Krishna Leela
Raam Nawmi
Janam Ashtmi
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Pitri Paksh
Maha Shiva Raatri
Phagwah or Holi
Why Hindus Wear
The Tilak

The sage Valmiki.....

In the early part of his life,Valmiki lived the lifestyle of a renegade.Desiring a change in this sort of lifestyle,he always hoped that one day he would reform himself.He confided in the Devarishi Narad Ji and would ask of him various questions as it relates to a better way of life. He once asked of Narad Muni,"Please great sage,do tell me is there any man in this world who is considered to be perfect,who possesses all virtue,who is brave,truthful,dutiful noble and who is also kind to all beings?"

Narad Muni replied,"There is indeed such a person.He is a decendant of the Ikshwaku dynasty.He is not only virtuous but gentle and wise.He is a superhero possessing great bravery and is skillful in the science of weapons.He is versed in the Vedas and is a protector of Dharma.He is the perfect son,brother,husband and friend.He is merciful to his enemies and kind to all beings.He is an ideal king and a storehouse of mercy and compassion.Possessing imaculate beauty he is loved by all.His name is Shree Raama."

Narad Muni advised Valmiki that he should recite the name of Raama and the name would bring him the change that he desired. Valmiki was so engrossed in sin that it was difficult for him to say the word Raama instead,he was saying...... Maara ....maara...maara.Finally,with a lot of practce the maara....maara....maara.....began sounding like ....Raama...Raama...Raama.

He was walking along the banks of the river Tamasa one day and he was thinking about what Narad Muni had told him about Lord Raama being virtuous and kind and so on when ;he saw a pair of birds lovingly sporting with each other.A hunter suddenly shot down the male bird.Seeing her mate fataly wounded,the female bird screamed out loudly. Valmiki was moved with great pity at the sight of the wounded bird and the plight of it's mate.He exclaimed loudly,"never O hunter will you achieve peace for you have killed a bird in the midst of it's love."

These words sounded like a musical verse which comprises four pads of eight syllables each.This constituted the poetic meter known as the Anushtup Chand.

Lord Bramha,the Creator of the universe,appeared before Valmiki and instructed him thus,"Sing the praises of Raama in the same musical note and for as long as this world shall exist and as long as there are stars in the heavens,so long will thy song be sung amongst mankind".Lord Bramha then vanished.

Having recieved the blessing and the inspiration of Lord Bramha,Valmiki the poet,was able through his yogic powers to receive the knowledge of Lord Raama" story in all it's detail.The two birds love for each other and the pity for the slain one gave birth to Valmiki's Ramayana.

Valmiki wrote in classical Sanskrit his Rayaman consisting of 24.000 verses and divided it into seven sections.These seven sections are Bala Kanda,Ayodhya Kanda,Arayana Kanda,Kishkinda Kanda,Sundar Kanda,Yuddha Kanda and Uttara Kanda.

Pandit Bhadase Maharaj.



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